Flower Bouquet of Roses & Daisies- Watercolor Painting
Here is a bouquet that won't fade! I was inspired to paint it when my wonderful offspring gave me a bouquet of roses, daisies, pink carnations and a few other flowers in the mix for Mother's Day. They stood there grinning in the living room and said "Happy Mother's Day" when I walked in the room. I gave them hugs and wondered what my youngest was laughing about. He vehemently motioned with his head to the table and there I saw a pretty bouquet. And a card which said I am Queen. Queen of lazy subjects who don't listen very well. (smile) That's what the card said.
Well, I just had to paint some of the flowers in the bouquet, so I got right to work. Had to work fast, because we were going to my own mother's to spend the day with her. But, here it is in all it's prettiness.
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