Bermuda South Shore Painting

This painting is #40 of the Zeh Bermuda Collection.

Here you see what is so typical along the South Shore of Bermuda: a coral outcrop close to shore. In the foreground along the clifftops grow Spanish Bayonets, a sharp-tipped plant. I love the sun sparkling on the water in this painting.
"Watch yourselves," Bermuda Sister warned. "You don't want to brush against those!" She called them Spanish Bayonets, and upon looking at them closely, my middle sister and I could see where they got their name. Each leaf shard ends in a very sharp point.
We were hiking along the cliff tops above Bermuda's South Shore, magnificent views dazzling the eye at every turn. Bermuda Sister had warned us to wear sneakers. The paths are deeply sandy and steep. Waist-high vegetation bordered the narrow, twisting and climbing pathways. At some points, the path would cut through a narrow passageway between two coral outcrops.
Bermuda's bedrock is coral. They say there is only six inches of topsoil over the coral throughout the island. It's amazing how lush an island can be with only six inches of soil! The beautiful clear turquoise color of the ocean around the island is attributed to the coral reefs which prevent plankton from washing in past them to shore and the fact that there are no rivers to bring silt into the water. I can still see the bright sun on the water, the cool breeze and the splendid views along our hikes above Bermuda's South Shore.

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