Yellow Daffodil Flowers Watercolor Painting

Bright daffodils are blooming on the hill, in the garden and all along the roadsides wherever there is a house.
They truly are a thing of beauty after a dreary winter, bringing sunny hope for more blooms to arrive soon. Best of all, they do not even feel the affects of a light snowfall such as we had the other day.  I see them out there warmly nodding their yellow heads in the cold breeze now.

So, I painted a watercolor picture of daffodils. It's 5x7 inches, just a small painting. There are more narcissus out there in combinations of yellow and white. I may decide to paint those too!

I'm happy to take custom orders! Contact me for a custom painting or to have a print made of a painting you like.

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Badclothes said...

Nice color and painting ,sometime I need Inspiration from nature ,the nature is Great Artist

Janet Zeh said...

Thank you! Great point about Nature: the greatest artist indeed. :)